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发表于 2022-10-28 09:54:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 党的二十大召开期间,老挝国会副主席宋玛·奔舍那 (Sommad Pholsena) 作客中国日报社推出的访谈节目《连线·全球政要看中国十年》。他称赞中国共产党坚守为人民服务的初心,并对人人共享发展成果的中国式现代化道路表示肯定。



What impressed me most is when General Secretary Xi Jinping said the CPC has led the people in fighting to establish and develop the People’s Republic of China, and it has really been fighting for the support of the people. I think this is very important because for the Party, the most important thing is to keep winning the support from the people and to stay true to its original aspiration and founding mission.


Secondly, I think he has offered a solution on how the CPC can escape the historical circle of rise and fall, and the answer is that the Party must stay committed to self-reform. I think we can also learn from that.


In my personal understanding, the Chinese path to modernization, while involving a process of learning from the experience of Western countries, means that the nation will follow a path of its own development ensuring that everyone can enjoy the outcomes from development, which I think is the most important.

中国在短短的时间内,让全国近1亿农村贫困人口实现脱贫,解决了很多国家都没有解决的问题。中国是如何实现精准扶贫的?我想最重要的是中国人经常说的 “授人以鱼不如授人以渔”。首先,让老百姓学会先进的种植、养殖技术。其次,是要有市场。资金固然重要,但更重要的是提供包括农产品在内的商品市场,这便是“授人以渔”。

Within a short period of time, China has lifted nearly 100 million rural residents out of poverty, and solved a problem that many countries are still grappling with. How did China achieve its targeted poverty alleviation? I think the most important factor can be found in a Chinese saying: "It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish". First, share leading planting and breeding techniques with farmers. Second, the development of markets is important. Funds are a key factor, but what is more important is to provide Laos with a commodity market that includes agricultural products, a practice that is similar to teaching a man to fish.


The Belt and Road Initiative and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind show the CPC's internationalist perspective to seek happiness for the Chinese people and all mankind. The Belt and Road Initiative and the concept of attaining win-win outcomes have increasingly received positive responses and widespread support from people of all countries. They have driven China's own development and promoted connectivity and common prosperity for the world. This reflects the political strength of the CPC's leadership and the strength of the socialist system. It also provides confidence and strength for developing countries, including Laos, to explore a development path that suits their national conditions.


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